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We are a committed group pilots  who spend our spare time flying Radio Controlled model aircraft, based in Fish Hoek, South Africa.

We welcome spectators to come and watch us flying. If you would like to learn to fly, please arrange with us via the contact information. We have instructors who can assist you in all areas such as acquiring a model, checking that your model is air worthy, instructing you about safety and assisting with learning to fly and maintaining your model.

We can be found here most weekends when the weather is good for flying, and even during the week sometimes weather permitting.

If you would like to join the club, all members are required to be SAMAA (South African Model Aircraft Association) members.  To find out more about joining SAMAA, please contact them directly here, or we can help you.

Once a SAMAA member, please fill out our application form and email it to fheradioflyers@gmail.com

It is the responsibility of every club member to familiarise themselves with the SAMAA  Safety Rules. All members are required to, at least obtain a “solo rating” and are further encouraged to improve their flying skills and obtain higher proficiency ratings such as Bronze, Silver, Gold etc. Proficiency rating information can be found on the SAMAA website.

Our Club Constitution is currently a work in progress and any alterations and amendments will be published.

Safety for pilots and spectators is of paramount importance and it is therefore very important that all pilots familiarise themselves with the flying safety rules and adhere to them. There is a specific area at the field where planes are permitted to fly and there are areas where planes are not permitted to fly, for example: no flying over the arming / pits area, sports fields or the road.

Some history about our clublook here.

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